"Wine from long habit has become an indispensable for my health."
-- Thomas Jefferson

Levendi Winery Blog

Friday, April 30, 2010

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Friday, April 9, 2010

Winemaker Notes - Spring

What's happening in the vineyards?

We are having the most wonderful weather! Still a few showers to keep the fields green, but the wildflowers are out, and it is warm around noon and slightly breezy. We still have a chance of frost, and the Chardonnay is out to about an inch, so the vineyard operators are walking on eggshells. I am thinking about racking the 2009 reds soon - they have used up their air from the last racking and are ready to be shaken up a bit. We have to keep them evolving! The 2008 reds were racked in February, so they just need to coast on into bottling.

Until next time!

- Alison Green Doran, Winemaker